WOW! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of our over 35,000 visitors who stopped by to see our 100th Anniversary exhibit! We received a stream of positive, and enthusiastic comments from happy guests, some who are known friends and others who were first-time visitors. (“I’ve been coming to the Fair for years and never knew this was here!”) Many guests also took advantage of our offer of Centennial items offered for a donation such as T-shirts, mugs, caps and of course, pins for the collector. We were glad that our visitors could take home a memento of this special event while helping continue the work of improving the exhibit.
We are now in the process of collecting, editing photos and videos and will add them as they become available so check back frequently. A great way to start off the sharing of these special friends is to show some of our youngest visitors. Seeing the wonder and awe in their eyes as they watch the trains go by makes our many hours of effort well worth it! Enjoy!