In June, the office of County Supervisor Hilda Solis reached out to us inviting volunteers to County Offices to receive a proclamation recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Fairplex Garden Railroad. Supervisor Solis presented the award to me and accompanying volunteers on June 3 at the County Supervisor’s Office in downtown Los Angeles. I made comments thanking her for the honor and for the hard work of our volunteers including those present. Individuals who were present also received individual awards. Volunteers were selected based on their number of hours volunteered and included myself as Coordinator, Jim Busch Assistant Coordinator/Repairs, David Stewart, Assistant Coordinator Operations, John Collins, Mountain Director, and Kathy Ring, Scenes Director. Steve Dodge and Kevin Hains were also recognized as Volunteers of Distinction for their countless hours of volunteering.
The Garden Railroad certificate has been framed and is proudly displayed on our Shop bulletin board. We thank Supervisor Solis for this honor.